Digital Interactive Sound & Intermedia Studio
Virginia TechCollege of Liberal Arts and Human SciencesSchool of Performing ArtsICATC+I

"And so the arts are encroaching upon one another, and from a proper use of this encroachment will rise the art that is truly monumental."
--Wassily Kandinsky



DiD 170501
DiD 170501



070429 071201 080419
DiD 070429
DiD 071201
DiD 080419
090424 090424 L2Ork DiD 100417
DiD 090424
L2Ork DiD 091204
L2Ork DiD 100417
DiD 101107 DiD 110409 DiD 110429
DiD 101107
L2Ork DiD 110409
DiD 110429
DiD 120430 DiD 130506 DiD 140505
DiD 120430
DiD 130506
DiD 140505
DiD 141201 DiD 150504 DiD 151207
DiD 141201
DiD 150504
DiD 151207
DiD 160502 DiD 161205  
DiD 160502
DiD 161205